I’ve been migrating several FTP jobs from batch scripts into PowerShell by leveraging PSFTP – below is a quick guide on how you can do the same. First, you need… [Continue Reading]
Author: Khoa Nguyen
Check Installed .NET Versions Using PowerShell
Here is a quick and convenient way to check for installed versions of .NET on your system(s): Get-ChildItem ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP’ -Recurse | Get-ItemProperty -Name Version, Release -ErrorAction 0 |… [Continue Reading]
Generate Windows Services Report
This script was designed to inventory the running services in your infrastructure. It requires a c:\temp\servers.txt file to be created and populated with server names; it will then query the… [Continue Reading]
Check IIS Health (Services, Site, AppPool Statuses)
This is a simple script that will query the Windows Services for the status of the required IIS services (IISADMIN, WAS, W3SVC) and also output the status of your IIS… [Continue Reading]
Google Geocode API with Powershell
I have a work requirement to look up zip codes based on incomplete addresses (street, city, state, etc) – this could be accomplished by going into Google Maps and plugging… [Continue Reading]
Exchange – Find Mailboxes with Forwarding Addresses Enabled
This is a quick one but definitely helpful: <# Utilize the -ResultSize Unlimited only when you are done formatting and testing your command. If you have a big Exchange environment,… [Continue Reading]
Check Domain Account Expiration Date
As an end-user that does not support active-directory, I like to know when my password is approaching its expiration date; this is also useful if you have a non-human service… [Continue Reading]
Emailing with Powershell
While working on another script, I had to address the requirement of emailing the results via Outlook. I had two solutions (syntax methods) to accomplish this but I found one… [Continue Reading]
Monitoring Domain Group Membership Changes
I encountered a scenario at work where I had to monitor any changes performed on an account’s active directory membership groups on a daily/weekly basis. I believe there may be… [Continue Reading]
Pinging Servers with PowerShell
This script can be utilized if you need to ping a list of IP addresses to ensure they are online or if you need to resolve the IPs into FQDNs…. [Continue Reading]