Generate Windows Services Report

This script was designed to inventory the running services in your infrastructure. It requires a c:\temp\servers.txt file to be created and populated with server names; it will then query the wmi-object class ‘win32_services’ to get the necessary info and export it to a csv file in c:\temp. Be cautious as you enter the server names into the servers.txt file as the script currently does not handle actually pinging the servers and will attempt to query servers even if they are offline which will result in a lot of errors.

You can also easily change the type of services you are querying for – if for instance you need all services, not just ones that are in a running state:

#This code is found on line 29 of the snippet.
#It is currently set to find running services only
#If you change 'Running' to 'Stopped' - you will generate the same report but for 'stopped' services only
$Query = Get-WmiObject "Win32_Service" -ComputerName $Server | Where {$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Select Name, State, StartName, Status, PathName, StartMode, AcceptPause, AcceptStop, Caption, Description | Export-Csv c:\temp\$(hostname)_servicesOutput.csv -NoTypeInformation

#If you want both running and stopped services, use this line instead:
$Query = Get-WmiObject "Win32_Service" -ComputerName $Server | Select Name, State, StartName, Status, PathName, StartMode, AcceptPause, AcceptStop, Caption, Description | Export-Csv c:\temp\$(hostname)_servicesOutput.csv -NoTypeInformation

Here is the full script:

#Global variable used to keep count through servers.txt list
$Global:Count = 0

#Output to console
Write-Host "`nScript executed by $env:username for $(Get-Date -f ""MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss"")"

#Check if a C:\temp\servers.txt exists 
$FileCheck = Test-Path C:\temp\servers.txt

#Based on outcome if $FileCheck, the script will run accordingly...
if ($FileCheck -eq $True)
    #Output to console
    Write-Host "Script found c:\temp\servers.txt"
    Write-Host "Script is executing query against list of servers in c:\temp\servers.txt..."

    #Get contents of C:\temp\servers.txt into a variable
    $Servers = gc C:\temp\servers.txt

    #Loops through each server name in C:\temp\servers.txt
    #This script does not attempt to ping your server
    #Please ensure you are actually able to ping the server first
    foreach ($Server in $Servers)

        #This queries the win32_service wmiobject for all running services
        #and selects the relevant data fields only
        #then exports it to csv
        $Query = Get-WmiObject "Win32_Service" -ComputerName $Server | Where {$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Select Name, State, StartName, Status, PathName, StartMode, AcceptPause, AcceptStop, Caption, Description | Export-Csv c:\temp\$(hostname)_servicesOutput.csv -NoTypeInformation
        #Increments counter variable after each query
        $Global:Count ++

        #Checks if the script has reached the bottom of C:\temp\servers.txt
        if ($Global:Count -eq ($Servers | Measure-Object -Line | Select -ExpandProperty Lines))
            #Output to console
            Write-Host "Script execution completed; please check below files:`n"

            #Lists the files to console
            ls c:\temp\*servicesOutput.csv | Select Name, LastWriteTime, Length | ft -AutoSize

#If the script cannot find the C:\temp\servers.txt file
    Write-Host "Script could not find a c:\temp\servers.txt"
    Write-Host "Script exiting..."

Here is a sample run:

Script executed by knguyen for 07-25-2018 11:15:13
Script found c:\temp\servers.txt
Script is executing query against list of servers in c:\temp\servers.txt…
Script execution completed; please check below files:

Name LastWriteTime Length
—- ————- ——
servername_servicesOutput.csv 7/25/2018 11:15:14 AM 40094

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